Connection quiz

How connected are you?

Welcome to our Connection Quiz!

Congratulations on taking a big step towards re-connection and personal growth. In a world where we often rush from one obligation to the next, finding the time to pause and reflect is not just important—it’s essential for our well-being.

The Purpose of This Quiz

This Quiz is an Introductory taster to ‘The Connection Compass’; our full framework to help you find your way back to living a brilliant, lit up life.

The ‘Connection Compass’ highlights the three core connections we need to thrive in life: Connection with Ourselves, Connection with meaning, and Connection with Others.

What You Will Experience

This Quiz is structured into three sections, each focusing on one of the Core Connections. Based on your responses, you’ll receive a summarised score that can help you work out what you need next.

Strong or Weak, Low or High, we have a range of programs and tools to help you tailor your Re-connection journey.


The quiz takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. Each question is deliberate and based on the most recent research on Connection. So, take your time to really reflect on what you have, what you might be missing and what you need to feel fully lit up and alive.