Why people choose us

As a Connection and High Performance Culture Consultant, I’ve made it my mission to create a world full of brilliant and lit up people

What sets us apart from everyone else…


We advocate for more human leadership

We help businesses and Leaders evolve their definition of what high-performance Leadership and Culture looks like. Away from the uber-competitive, individualistic approach many of us are used to, to a more human, connected, genuinely collaborative style that leverages the collective intelligence and skills of the whole team.

We teach leaders to lead with clarity, intention and alignment at an individual and group level

Many Leadership Development programs only scratch the surface, focusing solely on self-awareness and competency development. We’re not satisfied with just “good enough.” We’re on a mission to cultivate leaders who are deeply connected with themselves and the business, who lead with purpose, clarity, and alignment. We’re not interested in blindly meeting the stock standard expectations of the business, but rather in creating authentic leaders who can take their organisations to new heights.

We follow an evidence based approach backed by science

We have developed a holistic approach to high-performance leadership, that combines the latest scientific research with tried-and-true leadership practices. Our approach offers a comprehensive and effective toolkit for leaders who want to stay ahead of the game and not only survive, but thrive in today’s ever evolving environment.

We believe good leadership is anchored in Inclusions and Diversity

We have extensive experience building Inclusive Leadership programs that go beyond mere box-ticking. Our unique Connection IP is built on a foundation of deep self-awareness, which we believe is crucial to effective leadership. By focusing on Connection and understanding, we help our clients shift the dial on inclusion and create lasting change.

We partner deeply with our chosen clients and co-create programs with them

We believe that true partnership with our client is the key to designing a truly impactful program. That’s why we work closely with our clients to build programs that are tailored to their specific needs and organisational goals. As part of our process, we seek input from EVERY team member participating in the program, to ensure we not only meet the needs of the business, but also the team members themselves.

We don’t use sub-facilitators

We offer personalised attention and support through our sole facilitator, Celeste. When you work with us, you’ll work directly with Celeste, who will design and implement your program. Because Celeste is our only facilitator, she can bring her full expertise to every program, ensuring it’s tailored to your specific needs. Celeste’s deep understanding of leadership and organisational development ensures a commitment to excellence.

How We’re Different

We understand that traditional approaches to leadership development often fall short in achieving their intended goals. Programs that focus solely on theoretical knowledge and fail to link learning with real-world application are ineffective and overwhelming. That’s why we take a fresh approach to leadership development, recognising the limitations of traditional methods.

Interested in learning more?

Book a discovery call with Celeste

Have a look through our range of services designed to help you and your team become more connected and high-performing.

If you’re not sure which approach is right for you, get in touch! We offer a free discovery call to new clients, to learn more about your goals and help you identify the best solutions to achieve them. Contact us today to schedule your call and take the first step toward unlocking your team’s true potential.

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