In this episode, I am beyond thrilled to chat with Relationship Communication Coach James ‘Fish’ Gill, who challenges the common belief that relationship transformation requires the active participation of both parties. Having experienced firsthand the profound effects of his teachings, I am excited to share this enlightening conversation with you. ‘Fish,’ as we call him, brings incredible insight into moments of conflict and demonstrates how significant change can occur if one person approaches the situation with loving awareness. He explains how it only takes one person to change the entire trajectory of the relationship. A must-listen episode for anyone who wants to improve their relationships both at work, and at home.

Conscious Communication Skills to Transform Relationship Upset with James ‘Fish’ Gill

The Re-connection Revolution podcast, hosted by High Performance Leadership Coach and Connection Consultant, Celeste Halliday, delves into life’s most profound questions to help us understand why we feel so disconnected, and how to find our way back to creating a lit-up life.
Through raw and real conversations with remarkable people living inspirational lives, we provide a window into how we can all find hope, health and happiness and spark a reconnection revolution in our lives.